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We specialize in freshwater/nearshore marine fisheries environmental impact assessments, habitat assessment and inventory, management plans, RAR assessments, environmental monitoring, riparian planting/restoration, report writing and editing, and environmental education and communication.  We are based in Comox BC, but offer consulting services all over B.C.

Sample Reports



Guimond, E. and Heim, C.L. 2017/2019. Assessment of kokanee spawning in Comox Lake. COA-F17-F-1210. Prepared for the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program on behalf of the Courtenay and District Fish and Game Protective Association.


Heim, C. March 2017. Project Watershed Kus Kus Sum Land Securement and reclamation for Puntledge Salmonids Project FWCP-coa-F17-F-1251 Preliminary Restoration Prescription. Prepared for Comox Valley Project Watershed.


Sutherst, J, and Heim, C. Feb. 2017. Simms Park Refocus to Improve Side Channel Connectivity COA-F17-F-1382 Final Report. Prepared for: Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program


Heim, C. 2014. Fish Habitat and impact assessment of Rip Rap repair on Hospital Creek. Prepared for the Town of Golden. Prepared by Carolla Environmental.


Heim, C.L. 2014. Vegetation Management Plan for Flood Protection Works on the Kicking Horse River Dikes. Prepared for the Town of Golden. Prepared by Carolla Environmental.


Heim, C.L. 2014. Black Bear Bridge Replacement Environmental Management Plan. Prepared for Nupqu Development Corporation. Prepared by Carolla Environmental.


Heim, C.L. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. Post Construction Environmental Monitoring of Lower Kicking Horse River related to gravel removal project. Prepared for the Town of Golden. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2012. Riparian Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed Holiday Inn Project in Golden, B.C. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2011. Live Fish Viewing Feasibility Assessment for the Seven Mountain National Parks. Prepared for Parks Canada. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2008, 2009, 2010. Kicking Horse Compensatory Habitat Monitoring Program for the Park Bridge. Post Construction monitoring related to Kicking Horse Canyon Project, Hwy 1. Prepared for Pacific Salmon Foundation. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2008. Fish Habitat Assessment of Cabin Creek. Prepared for the Golden Golf Course. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting. November, 2008.


Heim, C.L. 2007. Riparian Areas Regulation Assessment report for Gould’s Island and Confluence Park. Prepared for Aaron Cundliffe, and the Town of Golden, respectively. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2007. Lower Kicking Horse River Fisheries Assessment. Prepared for the Town of Golden. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.

Heim, C.L. 2006. Lower Brady Creek Fisheries Assessment. Prepared for Shaunessy Ranch Ltd. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2006. K2 Ranch Fisheries Enhancement Project. Prepared for Shaunessy Ranch Ltd. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L., Candy, A. 2006. Abel Creek Restoration and Stewardship Action Plan. Prepared for the District of Invermere. Prepared by Osprey Communications and Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2005. Riparian Assessment and Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area (SPEA) for the lower Kicking Horse River, Golden, B.C. Prepared for the Town of Golden. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2005. Paris Creek Habitat Assessment and Water Management Plan. Prepared for the Paris Creek Water Users Group, Golden, B.C. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2004. Overview fisheries assessment of the Kicking Horse River through the town of Golden. March 2004. Prepared for Golden and District Economic Development Office. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2003. Environmental Assessment of TimberWest Lots 1-4 at Campbell River airport. Prepared for Highland and Ludvigson Engineering and Surveying. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2002. Habitat assessment of foreshore near proposed dock at Driftwood Farms, Denman Is., B.C. Prepared for TREC Int. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2001. Habitat assessment of inter-tidal power cable replacement sites in Quathiaski Cove, and Campbell River. August 2001. Prepared for BC Hydro. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2001. Overview habitat assessment of streams in Village, Open, Hyacinthe and Granite watersheds on Quadra Island. Prepared for Quadra Island Salmon Enhancement Society. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2000. Overview Fish Habitat Assessment of Vic’s Creek, Quadra Island. August 2000. Prepared for Quadra Island Salmon Enhancement Society. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 2000. Overview Fish Habitat Assessment of Open Bay Creek, Quadra Island. May 2000. Prepared for Quadra Island Salmon Enhancement Society. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 1999. Fish habitat assessment of streams within the Laredo Limestone site, Aristazabal Island, B.C. Prepared for Pomeroy and Neil Consulting Ltd. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting


Heim, C.L. 1999. Post-Construction Monitoring of Foreshore Habitat within the sanitary sewage installation in North Campbell River, March 1999. Prepared for the DOC. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 1998.. Habitat improvement design in Nunn’s Creek as compensation for ERT Road modifications. Prepared for Highland Engineering Ltd. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 1997. Intertidal Clam surveys of beaches in Queen Charlotte Sound, Area G, 1997. Prepared for the Kwakiutl Territorial Fisheries Commission. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.


Heim, C.L. 1997. Environmental Impact Assessment Summary in: Cape Scott Provincial Park Facility Improvement Projects. Prepared for Lanarc Consultants Ltd. Prepared by Carolla Environmental Consulting.

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